Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Don't Make Me Count to Three

I'm reading and loving this book.  My cousin, Carolyn, recommended it a few weeks ago and I just now was able to get it from the library.  It is very similar to Shepherding a Child's Heart (Ted Tripp) , but more straightforward.  It also quotes The Heart of Anger (Lou Priolo), but seems better for parenting younger children.  The author, Ginger Plowman, also has a book called Wise Words for Moms...I think this one may make the permanent shelf in our book closet. If you're not familiar with the titles I compared this book to, Don't Make Me Count... is a book that equips moms (and dads) to apply Scripture to go beyond the outward behaviors of our children to really get into the issues of their heart.  


  1. i heard about that book years ago and still haven't read it, i'd like to though!

    where in Texas are you? i would LOVE to try some of your NY style pizza! :)

  2. This is a great one - I have read it and talked with her at Mops event. It makes all the difference when you start with training them consistently when they're young, but it's oh, so hard. :)

  3. Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful titles! I've got my list written down and I'll be searching my local library for them!

    God Bless!
