Friday, May 23, 2008

Safe for Eternity

WHAT'S GOING ON???? DON'T I HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO THAN POST FOUR DAYS IN A ROW?????? Guess I like blogging after all.  It feels therapeutic. And today I need some therapy. 

My heart is so heavy and broken for the Chapman family today.  I have always loved Steven Curtis Chapman's music and appreciated all he and his wife have done for the cause of orphans worldwide.   When I read the news, my instinct, even at 30 years old, was to call my mom.  I knew she was working, so I emailed her.  I thought her wisdom was worth repeating and posting, if only for me to read again later:

Thinking back to the NT must have been agony for Mary to see her son crucified...but God had a higher redemptive purpose in Christ's death than in just keeping Mary's son was to redeem and make many "safe" for all eternity!  being a parent is walking a fine line...needing to provide and protect and nurture...but yet acknowledging that ultimately God is in control.  When we dedicated you and Jon as babies, we were publically confessing that we had been given a trust by God.  That's not to say that there won't be times when we'll fail, or you'll fail...but God is working all things together for HIS good, which is ultimately for our good.  Meanwhile, we will have some sadnesses to endure for a time.  All our tears are noticed...and His Spirit will give comfort in the times ahead. 

Let God's Word dwell in you...let it speak against the paralyzing fears that creep into your mind.  Talk to you later.  
On another note, we mailed off our application to Adoption Advocates International today!  So on the way home from the Post Office, I picked up a bag of injera from the shop just down the road from us!   

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