Thursday, June 12, 2008

Uh, can I get some humbleness with that adoption, please?

Okay, I feel very vulnerable writing this..., but I can stand some humbling every now and again.

My heart is totally thrown into our adoption. I am leaping in with all my foolishness and passion which is why I seem to blab on about it at every opportunity, but...

There is this part of me that feels really good when I get to tell people about what we are doing. As if said people should thank us for doing this small service for the world's impoverished. Or pat me on the back and tell me I'm for sure to win the Super Mom of the Year for 2008. or 2009. or whenever we bring our kids home. I believe my heart began with the best intentions and my motives were as pure as they could be given my propensity for pride. But what started as a pure, I believe, calling, is now tainted with ulterior motives for praise and awe.

I'm going through Beth Moore's To Live Is Christ and read this tonight:
We must be careful to avoid spiritual elitism. Everything we are and anything we possess as believers in Christ is a gift of grace. Pure hearts before God must be cleansed from any hint of spiritual pride. We must aggressively fight the enemy when he seeks to nullify our growth and good works by making them invitaions for pride and prejudice.

ouch. okay, I needed that.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your "raw" honesty. And I think deep down you still do have the proper motives. It's easy to be so excited about something in our lives that we want the whole world to share in our enthusiasm. It's easy though too, to say, hey look at me (I don't think you've been that way but you do). I am thankful that God gently and privately steers us back on the right path. And I can't wait to see your family of 7!!!!!
