For to LONG to mention, I've been searching craigslist for two chairs. I've searched using words like: occasional chairs, side chairs, arm chairs, upholstered, wood, French, English, country, etc. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Oh, did I mention I also set the max price parameter for $50?
Then I ran an errand to Target...nevermind what for...but this is what I came home with:
Actually, I claimed two. And how much did I spend? Each chair was $24.99. This beautiful store was clearancing all their outdoor/patio furniture at 75% off!!!!! So, yes, technically, these are outdoor teak chairs, but WHATEV! They so belong in my living room and I'm not above bringing the outdoors in...or it's furniture. So TA DAAAAAA:
(please ignore the mantel...I've been so inspired by Kari & Kijsa's Mantel carnival that mine is sort of in the works...)
Note the fabric store tassels I added since The Nester's Etsy shop is SOLD OUT...
Then check out what Belle and Boo were up to after dinner tonight-decorating all the door knobs with their personal flare-LOOOOVE IT-these doo-hickies are totally staying put:
So come on over and pull up a chair-they're pretty comfy, too!
Love it Kris!!!!