Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Boo

WOO WEEE, Things have been Biiiiiii-Zeeeeee! Busy, but good. And I'm loving the weather that has come with the aftermath of Ike. I feel a little less silly for having these on my mantle now:
or these cones atop my fridge:

Tuesday was Boo's third birthday, so we had a little par-tay with the fam. I set up a little waffle bar and let the kids try spray cream (what do you call that stuff? ) anywho, they loved it, and ate all of the cream. Not much of anything else, until Tata broke out the cupcakes. Then they ate the frosting.

Here a few moments from the chaos party:

Happy Birthday, Boo.
I love you!


  1. Ahh they are so your Fall decor! Lovely. cherry

  2. Thank you for posting Boo's bday story & pics. I'm glad you all had a great time!

  3. Cute pumpkin topiary!
    It looks like your little guy had a fun b-day.
    I'm going to have to try a waffle bar. I'm sure my kids would love have something more than just syrup on their waffles. Great idea!

  4. Happy Birthday, little guy! Here's a hug from the Lowerys :)
