Friday, October 31, 2008

Two Links and A Popularity Test...

I've been debating doing a post on my depression in hindsight. For several months now I have experienced more peace and healing, where before there was fear and doubt. But every now and again, I face a trigger, or hear a sermon or come across a song on the radio, that reminds me of the mindset I was in just a half a year ago.

Someday I will work up the nerve to tell you about what I was thinking back then, and what I occasionally still think. But for now, I will post that God does give peace. Last week, on the short ride to my neighborhood Walmart, it was this new song from Jeremy Camp that reminded me of that fact.

And then yesterday, it was Chatting at the Sky's post that reminded me that I am not in control-but I know the One who is able to hold me together when things fall apart.

And now for that test that seems silly after re-reading Chatting at the Sky's post above...
Google has added a new feature that allows you to subscribe to a blog and appear in a public list of all other followers of it. Several of the blogs I check on a regular basis now have this feature on their sidebar, and look very cool doing so.

So for me to add this feature, because all the popular bloggy moms are doing it, I have to take the risk that no one is willing to follow me. Woah---, I'm having an uncomfortable flash back to high school. But you can elect me homecoming queen change that for me ;-) If not, I will have to move the followers gadget down on my sidebar and eventually remove when no one is looking. We'll see what happens.

(Update: ohmygoodness...I just added the followers feature and found I already had a follower! Thanks Brandee!!!!-You've made my day!)


  1. I don't know if I've ever posted, but wanted to make you feel good and tell you that I don't follow you, per se - instead, I have you in my google reader. :) And 11 other people besides myself do too. Google reader is great to follow blogs. :)

  2. I'll follow yours if you follow mine! :o) I also was a little fearful of adding that gadget to my blog and so far no one has joined. Oh well, like you said, high school all over again. :>)

    Love ya!

  3. ok, you'll have to help your friend out here--I can't figure out how to be your "follower"... :<(

  4. I think you just have to click on "Follow this blog." Then there are ways to follow a blog even if they don't have the gadget, but you have to add their blog address to your list of blogs you follow. Thanks! I'll add & follow Letters to Olivia too!

  5. Have a safe and happy Halloween!
    kari & kijsa

  6. Email me anytime about depression. I am very understanding : )
    I am glad things are better now. I don't know if you reached out at the time but I am here if you need me. It is a big regret of mine that I didn't seek help sooner.
