Thursday, December 4, 2008

{A Nutcracker Welcome}

Had to post these two guys. I saw them outside my in-laws neighbors' house. They're just 5 clay pots each, painted and epoxied together. This is my note to self to lookout out for 10 pots next summer when they go on clearance.


  1. Again....I am VERY impressed!! You really should make a business out of your creativity!!!!

  2. OMGosh, what an awesome idea. I hope you don't mind if I copy your pic's onto my project list.

  3. They are adorable. Don't forget to check yard sales and goodwill for pots, too.

  4. Wow--some people are so creative! I can't wait to see yours next year!!!

    They could be made into a snowman or santa clause too! (but don't expect to see me doing that)! :o)

  5. This is a fantastic idea! So cute!
