Wednesday, January 7, 2009

{2009 = Breakfast of Champions}

Although I didn't make any formal resolutions (meaning I didn't jot anything down on a napkin and read to Mr. Smarty over Starbucks) I do have some things l would like to see become habits in my daily life. Be aware, these are not save-the-world-habits but more along the lines of bless-my-family goals. Last year, I vowed to sweep the kitchen floor everyday. I know, I'm awesome. This year, I want to brush Noelle's hair everyday....rather, I need to brush it more...or shave it off. I just don't know which one will cause more resentment against me later.

Another habit I am already working on is menu planning and preparing breakfast for my kids each morning. I'm so bad about getting them breakfast...they never ask for it, but mid-morning, they want 50 different snacks and we've accomplished nothing. When we start with breakfast, we've begun our day with some semblance of order and probably help level mood swings from not having eaten since dinner the evening before.

This is also helping with my shopping list, as I can write my meals down on this to-do chart and quickly check what I'm missing in the kitchen.


  1. Can't really relate about breakfast. By 7 am I have to drag my pregnant self out of bed because the boys NEEEEED food NOW!!!! They wake up starving! Guess it's getting me ready to feed another starving one at an even earlier hour in the near future! :)

  2. I need to get better about planning dinners too. Everyday at 5 I head to the kitchen with "what's for dinner? what's for dinner? what's for dinner?" running through my mind. I also like the idea of sweeping the kitchen floor daily...unfortunately that's a novel idea in my house!

  3. Hey Kristen,
    Saw your comment on my blog...sorry I'm posting this info here but I wasn't sure how else to get it to you.
    Under the 'layout' tab, you'll be on the 'Add and Arrange Page Elements' page. Click the 'Edit' button in the bottom right corner of the box titled 'Blog Posts.' From there you can alter all the info at the bottom of your posts like comments, time and date.
    Hope that helps. Feel free to ask for a clarification if I didn't make any sense.

    And on an unrelated note, I swept my kitchen today!

  4. I have the same magnetic pad, I use mine to journal my running. I LOVE menu planning. I actually have a pretty good system (works for me anyway). Come to think of it, I should post about it to share. Check back soon. Thanks for stopping by, I'm sure I'll be back here :) Have a blessed day!

  5. yes, menu planning is definitely one of my "need to work on" things as a mom/wife. ugh.
    Also, I just LOVE those new magnets. teehee

  6. We just got two little pans and brushes from Target -- one for each boy! Right now they LOVE sweeping the floor after dinner . . . we'll see how long that lasts! :)
