Thursday, April 9, 2009

{Getting in the Picture}

Have you heard about 52 Weeks?

Besides being the number of weeks in a year, in Blogland, it's a year long challenge for Moms to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. We're always the ones behind the camera. And Carin from Forever in Blue Jeans is challenging moms to get out from behind the camera and get in the photos WITH our family.

Jump into the challenge whenever you can, and visit Carin's blog every Thursdays for a Mr. Linky party!
Forever In Blue Jeans

And since Carey's has been doing it, and Amanda's been doing a year-long photo challenge, I'm jumping in this week:

and to show I'm not playing's one of Baby from the same day...

How do you capture everyday moments for the sake of making memories?


  1. So glad you joined the challenge. Great pictures for your first week.

  2. So glad you joined in on the fun! These are great pictures. I really like the perspective you gave them! Wonderful pictures!

  3. Cute pictures! I like the cropping, too... smiles and kisses. Glad you joined!

  4. Just call me Mrs. Doesn't Follow Through. :(
    Maybe I'll write a note on the fridge and try THIS challenge. I lost interest in the other one cause I really want a new camera...
    I love your pics and it's nice to see you from the neck up! :o)

  5. very nice pictures, I love black and white!

  6. You are all so cute! Love the pictures!

  7. Yea! Glad to finally "see" you! Your kids are going to thank you one day for getting in the picture...

    I love the way you cropped them and that they are black & white...very creative!

  8. This is such a great idea! I love the pictures you posted.

    I also love the name of your blog. We live in our PJs at our house!

  9. heheheh, my facebook picture was the same FOREVER until I finally took one of myself at arm's length.

    One of the college girls at our church gave me a tip. She said to take the picture in front of a mirror. Point the camera at yourself but look into the mirror to see the display screen so you can see if you are actually in the shot.

  10. They're all such great pictures!! So sweet!

  11. Wow - the two above are framers! Beautiful!

  12. These are great pictures! Congratulations on joining in the fun!
