Sunday, April 5, 2009

{Wrapping Up The World of Little House}

or Little House Lesson Plans for Weeks 4-10,
but that makes me look like I dropped the ball or something...

Week 4- We read Winter Days in the Big Woods, made "Thimble pictures" (drew in salt in a pie plate with a thimble on our fingers), tasted warm rolls and played "Hide the Thimble."

Week 5- We read Dance at Gramdpa's, strung beads on hemp twine for necklaces. Then we feasted on winter prairie party foods- sour pickles, beet pickles, dried fruit, hot apple cider and cookies. I asked the students, knowing the time of year Grandpa hosted the party, why was all the food preserved, pickled or dried? Next semester, I may try to teach them a waltz...

Week 6 - We read A Little House Birthday, painted wooden toys and discussed the differences in the gifts we received for our fifth birthdays and the gifts prairie children likely received.

Week 7- We read Prairie Day, made covered wagon models ($1.99 from craft stores) and "packed our wagons" according to the weights from this site. This was a fun, full class. Typical westbound wagons could carry 2000 pounds on the average 4 month journey. I had students work in groups to determine what supplies they would need without going over the weight budget.

Week 8- We read A Little Prairie House, made a scrapbook paper quilt and lincoln log pioneer town. I used this site's information to discuss what typical buildings were in pioneer towns. Amazon and other online stores have 700 piece sets for under $20 (search Yukon Express or follow that link). This was our kids Christmas gift last year!

Week 9-We read Summertime in the Big Woods and cross-stitched projects to be entered into our Class County Fair next week.

Week 10- We read County Fair. This was such a fun book to end the semester. We made ribbons to award ourselves! Some of the girls brought treats for us to "judge." One brought an apple pie-quite impressive for 2nd grade, I must say! We also tasted jams, jellies, preserves (which I now know the differences in, thankyouverymuch, good teacher that I am). Then we took the fair outside to run some three-legged races and potato sack races.


  1. Oh, I love the Little House books~what great lesson plans! Just hearing the names bring back so many memories! I was just telling my girls about thimble pictures this winter...

  2. What "craft store" had those wooden wagons? Any store that might be around here? I want to get my hands on one as we just finished studying the same thing!

  3. I've seen them on Joann's online store, and some Michael's, but I ordered mine online from Keepers of the Faith, since I needed 14!
