Thursday, June 18, 2009

{Happy Feet}

I bought my first pair of Naturalizers...and I feel really old. Not only that, but now I am going to blog about my foot pain. I must really be old.

About 2 months ago, I developed Morton's Neuroma, a running injury of swollen nerves in the foot. Short story even shorter: I am doing a happy feet dance now because I didn't have to stop running while it healed! I just got a metatarcel lift (4 for 3.99 at Academy, if you need one) for my running shoes. (and took 2 Advil with each meal...)

I also got these nifty Naturalizers (Marshalls!) to wear with my summer skirts and I love them! ...flip-flops are so last summer.

Any other old ladies out there? Tell me about your aches and pains.


  1. Old lady here too. I just had a morton's neuroma removed this spring. I am so glad I did. It's still healing but it's sooooo much better now.

  2. No, you are not old!!I am the one that is old. I have suffered from Plantar Facaitis(?)Flip flops are a rarity for me now, as that is how it started(painting on a ladder w/flip flops) I love your naturalizers. Haven't seen those I have to make sure I have good running shoes w/ good arch support. Jackie

  3. I went to the podiatrist last year for some foot and ankle pain. I have very flat feet, as flat as they come, and from time to time deal with Plantar Fasciitis as well.

    We talked, and I need to get some orthopedic supports...

    And then she said "well, I see you have a bunion." What? What do I do about that? "Well, we usually wait until the pain is unbearable and then we do surgery. How much pain are you in?" Umm, none. "Well, then you have a while to go. And I can feel a little arthritis starting in here (my big toes)." Arthritis??!!??

    Ugh, *I* feel old!

  4. Girl, those are so cute! I love my Clark's and they look old too. There are just days when comfort matters more! I do have a great pair of Dr. Scholl's flip-flops that are incredibly comfortable though.

  5. I don't have foot pain, but I must wear good shoes to avoid leg, hip, and back pain. I love Merrell!

  6. Pajamamama! I have found your blog through Lynnette! I spent way too much time yesterday perusing your wonderful ideas and came across your post on running 30 minutes in 10 weeks. ( or was it 10 years?)lol..
    Soooo.. I am going to try this!
    I have no idea if I am up to this.. but we will see. A mom of nine, and 40 pounds to burn off, it is my goal! I hope this will help. Thank you for posting this.
    I will be following your blog-- it's great!
    Stop by some time!

  7. I think I might have some sort of heel bursitis from running...and I am so stinkin stubborn I won't stop to let it heal!

    Insert Duct tape :)

    Yep, I cover my heels with duct tape before a run to protect them. Works dandily :)

  8. My 3 year old daughter is sitting behind me as I'm looking at your blog this morning and she has just commented 'Pretty shoes mama.. I like them!' Just had to share this with you. I love this style of shoe too. Funnily enough, we are discussing feet right at this moment in time, as winter has brought along chillblains, so annoying and quite painful. I have just told my son about a natural cure that I read about when I googled this subject and everyone is in hysterics. I will let you guess what that cure might be!

  9. I'm no runner...but I'm old, or at least my back and lack of bladder control tell me I'm old. I think your new shoes are cute...I've had my eye on a pair of Easy Spirits for a few months now... :)

  10. Just this week I went to the chiropractor for the first time in four years. I learned my fallen arches are part of my back pain . . . and probably contribute to my bad knees that stopped me from running. The bad news is that I still can't run anymore! :(

  11. OK...first of all I so badly want to take up running. hubby teases me because I am always hurting my feet. Thank goodness nothing serious...yet! Lately my heels have been hurting as if I've been standing on them all day. I'm afraid to find out. I probably wear flip flops too much.

    Those are some great looking naturalizers though very different than the SAS shoes my grandma used to wear.

  12. I might have to try those! I have started having heal pain. I'm a Florida flip-flop girl but my days may be running out for that.
