Tuesday, June 9, 2009

{Summer School Art :: Hooked Towel}

Welcome to Day 2 of Summer School Art!

Today's a sewing lesson...but please don't leave if the "s" word scares you. This is a very simple project with a stunning impact! (and, if for no other reason, stick around for the GIVEAWAY!!!) I'll be making a kitchen hand towel, but this could be for a bath towel just as easily.

Today you'll need a towel, either hand or bath size, and a fourth yard (for hand towel) or half yard (for bath towel), coordinating fabric. You'll also need coordinating thread, a ruler or yardstick, scissors, pins and an iron.

Let's begin. Baby steps.

Step 1, Determine the size band you'll need. Measure the width of your towel, then add 1 inch to this measurement for seams. If you're making a hand towel, cut your band 8" wide x the length you just measured (with 1 inch seam allowance). If you're making a bath towel, cut your band 15 1/2" wide x your measured length. Set the band aside.

Step 2, Cut fabric for the hook or loop. For the hand towel cut a piece, 3" wide x 4" long. For the bath, 3 1/2" wide x 6" long.

Step 3, Make towel loop. First, fold the panel in half, length wise and press (iron). Open back up and fold the ends in and press.

Fold up to enclose raw edges and sew down both sides.

Step 4, Press both the top and bottom of the towel band length.

Step 5, Attach loop to towel band. Unfold the top band for the moment. Find the center of your towel band, and pin loop to the RIGHT side of fabric equal distances from the center. Machine baste the loop ends to secure them.

Step 6, Fold back the towel band ends that we had pressed. Fold the band in half and press. Wrap the towel in the towel bands and pin into place. Pin on both sides, and make sure where you plan to sew will catch both sides.

Step 7, Leave the ends open, and begin to stitch in a few stitches from the ends to leave room to tuck the ends in later. Sew band to towel.

Step 8, Sew ends in. Tuck and pin the ends in, then stitch along the edge.

Was that too bad? If so, it was probably from my lack of experience in giving written sewing instructions-so please let me know if and where I've inserted any unnecessary confusion.

Sewing Books I love:

Amy Karol's Bend the Rules Sewing. I've posted about some of the books projects here. And her blog, Angry Chicken is in my blogroll!

Anne Marie Horner's Seams to Me.

Amy Butler's In Stitches, where there are more detailed hooked towel instructions.

All of these books are for the beginner to the advanced. They each give definitions and tips galore!

Want to win one of those books? Then get your creativity ready for Giveaway #2. Link up with Mr. Linky here THIS FRIDAY with your post on any of the Summer School Art projects, or one of your own! One linker will win their choice of my Summer School Art recommended books to inspire you in more creativity!

And don't forget to enter to win this, too:

Are you following or subscribing? Click here
to stay in school!


  1. Great idea, Kristen! I love this! Trying to come up with cute ideas for wedding shower gifts this summer. I can so envision this with a monogram ... hmmm...wish I had time this week to do it and enter in the contest. :-) But maybe I can win one anyway!!

  2. that so cute. but I can't even get to my machine at the moment.

  3. These are ADORABLE! They really would be great for a wedding gift, frugal and personalized. Thank you!

  4. Love this!! I might just have to try it! And I love the whole summer art idea!! I will definitely be back!!

  5. I'm saving all of your ideas for when I am close to a craft store and can get all of the supplies (yay!!). I'm sorry that I haven't put up your button....I'm going to do it today. Oh, and don't enter me in the contest....save it for your other awesome readers!

    Do you want to guest post for me next week? I know it's late notice and you are crazy busy with Summer School...but if your interested, you can e-mail me.

  6. Very cute I like the pattern of the material. I changed mine up again make sure you check it out!

  7. You can do something similarly with cloth diapers to be used as burp rags. So great!
