Sunday, January 3, 2010

Salvation comes from the LORD; May your blessing rest on your people.  Psalm 3:8
Hello all, and Happy 2010!  We are just back from a wonderful holiday visit where we saw lots of snow and loved ones.  Once I get through unpacking and finding a home for all our new toys, I will be back to posting more...can't wait!

and no, the phone has still not rung. {not that I made mr. smarty keep the phone on his person the entire trip or anything....}

oh, and I gave myself bangs {side swept ones} using a youtube video by someone named Kandee. and I love them {my bangs...and Kandee's videos.}!

How were your holidays?


  1. I love her and her videos-good life story too.(Kandee)

  2. I love the picture! so beautiful! and I bet the bangs are so cute. I don't know if I'm brave enough to attempt them! :)

  3. Love the idea of sideswept bangs. Can't wait to see a pic. The holidays were great!

  4. Praying for you in the waiting.

  5. I wish you the best this 2010 Kristen :) May all your dreams come true in God.

    I've seen Kandee's videos, they are so entertaining :) can't wait to see you with bangs, I bet you look great!

