Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Interwebby Link Love

  • Magazine bow tutorial -on How About Orange.  I've got magazines. I will try this.  Belle will love it too.  I can just see bows for every occasion.  It's spaghetti night.  Let's put a bow on the french bread!
  • An Amazing Potted Garden-How organized and disciplined this gardener must be.    
  • Twitter backgrounds-free from Ollibird.  I got a new background and decided to get back into twitter.  Despite myself.  I know I turn into a twitaddict when I get on there, but there are so many friends out there with clever one liners that I have to respond to, or at least chuckle as I am pulled back into pouring someone's apple juice. 
  • I must thank Sodderbug for the Pajama Mama pendant I got yesterday!  What a sweet gift!
  • Swagbucks-Kingdom First Mom  actually got a Wii with all her Swagbucks.  If you haven't signed up-do and from this link so I'm listed as your referrer.  No pressure, but Mama needs a Wii.  Actually, I don't think I have the patience to save up all those Amazon cards for a wii...not when I have a cart full of wishes, like Built by Wendy's new book: Dresses.  I really think I need that book.  
Do you swag?  



  1. I started to swag but, like many endeavors, I just can't remember to do it,LOL:O)Thanks for all the cool links!!!!

  2. OOOOO love the pendant!!! Can't wait to try the mag bows...

  3. Love the Orange bow idea- going to try it!
    Great links again Kristen! Thanks!
    Any running lately?
    Our family is going to do a family mile run in April, and my son is going yo do the 10K here in our area. Some day -yep - maybe some day for me.

  4. I love swag bucks but I'm like you...I can't save them or my amazon cards!

  5. I don't swag, I'll have to check it out. And the twitter backgrounds sound cool!

  6. I did see you guys...I was at the welcome center!

    Have a great week.

  7. Hi! Just wanted to let you know I featured your table makeover yesterday! Thanks!
