Tuesday, July 13, 2010

DIY Shower Favors

We got our travel dates!

A million and one things to do, but the shower at our house on Saturday is pretty much taken care of.  I used Entemann's Cookies in small plastic zipper bags (in the beading section at craft stores) as fillers for these little pouches:

Decorations are up, now I just have to worry about that little trip coming up...

We're all set paper-wise, flight-wise, and accommodation-wise...all except for one pesky little paper that could ruin it all.  I am believing God is in control of everything, even Homeland Security.  But, if you think of it, could you pray that our approval for our I-600a shows up by tomorrow?  
*****UPDATE:  It came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Lord!******************
By the way, this was another Twig and Thistle inspired idea!


  1. Ohhh.. so very sweet- thank you for sharing!
    I will be praying for you as you prepare to travel!
    (Still doing any running?)

  2. September-Thanks! Funny you should ask...we are signed up for our first ultra-marathon on July 26th...tonight we are trying to figure out how to get rid of our registration, as we'll be somewhere in Africa on that day! Oh well...(heavy on the sarcasm)

  3. 8 days, Wow!!! Praying for the approval to be in your mailbox tomorrow and for safe travel!

  4. so when are you leaving/coming back?
