Tuesday, September 14, 2010

School Days

We started our homeschool co-op yesterday...it was a super long day, but the kids really had fun.

Belle is taking Art, European Geography, Woodworking, Spanish and Manners for Everyday.
Boo is in Kindergarten for three hours in the morning, then Spanish and Playground Games in the afternoon.  Big Boy is in the three-year old class all day, and Baby Girl is in the nursery.

This morning, we are back to school at home....it's a little more challenging after all the excitement of yesterday, but we're still at it. 

How's your week?



  1. Love the peek into your schoolroom -- sounds like you have a great coop. What are you doing during this time?

  2. can you tell me more about why you decided to home school? I'm so interested in the topic. Much thanks.

    ps. baby girl is so adorable.

  3. This is so cute! Looks at the kids with their huge bags and that little one on the baby bouncer! OH MY HEART MELTS!

  4. `Hey Bianca!-A homeschool coop is just a group of parents who do school together some days. Ours is once a week and very inexpensive because every parent also teaches or assists. It works because we each have such different talents and strengths so the kids really benefit. While I can't teach my kids Physics, Spanish or Archery, I can teach someone else's child to draw, sew or run :) And of course, the kids get to be in a classroom setting with kids from great families!

    Damaris-that is a tough one...I don't remember making the decision, but I will have to give it more thought. Thanks for probing my thoughts :)

  5. oops, care, didn't see you question-I'm right there in the classes. our co-op works by parents teaching or assisting every hour their children are in class. I'd love to find one like Ethan's but, this has it's benefits, too.

  6. I love the post today! I especially love your sons "no-shirt policy," while doing school!Tha's a true homeschooler!
    We are in the throws ofit all too, and I head up a co-op in our aea too. I was soo surprised how long yours is... ours is only a morning co-op.
    Do you like the longer hours in a co op?
    I see sweet baby is loving her home!
    Can't wait to read more about her!

  7. I like your schoolroom too and little one seems to be taking it all in. I don't know how you do it. You are amazing, Pajamamama.
