Monday, November 1, 2010

Handmade Holidays Quick Sew:: Pacifier Clips

Is it too early for Handmade Holidays?  Here's one for the babies on my list...

Joanne's had a 50% off sale on notions last week.  I think I wiped the Plano store out of suspender clips.  I'm loving homemade pacifier clips...I'll give a few a way, but now BabyGirl no longer has to worry about her pacifier clip clashing with her outfit.  Whew-I know she'll sleep better now. 



  1. Ooooooh -- I sure hope one of those might be making it's way out here! Love them!!!!

  2. Looking forward to making some for baby gifts. Jackie

  3. ahhh!! i wish i were crafty too! i would've saved some $ and yours are much cuter than the ones i bought!
