Thursday, March 31, 2011

Telephone Wire Ring Giveaway

Baby Girl fell asleep on the way home from church last week.  And she was OUT.  Which meant I got to hold her for a while why she was still.  I get to hold her all the time, but most of the time she is a big wiggle worm.

Our church has a Hope Store where I buy our fair-trade coffee now.  They also sell some handmade items from developing countries.  While I was in line with my coffee, I saw these rings.  I bought myself one, then after the service I went back to buy you one, too.  Well, one of you anyway.  I wish I could send you all one-they are so cool.

Note: they are kind of big.  I wear mine on my pointer finger or thumb.

Just leave a comment by Wednesday, April 6th.  I'll chose a random winner then.   Thanks for being

Giveaway closed.  Congrats #13, Catie!


  1. Kristen that photo is absolutely lovely! I can't believe how big baby girl has gotten!

    I love that ring. Very cute!

  2. aaww...sweet baby girl!
    What a pretty ring! I can see why you couldn't resist and want to share.

  3. oooo I want to hold her!! These rings are so cute!

  4. Baby girl is the cutest and the picture of you holding her is precious. It is so rare when I get to hold Baby O asleep nowadays....time flies, sigh. You are lucky you can find the fair trade coffee close by-I can only find it on the internet and I end up paying just as much for shipping as I do the coffee.

  5. New reader and love your blog!

  6. Those are really pretty! I wonder if I will be able to find some in Madagascar when we get there. :)

  7. love her. love it. love you. <3

  8. That is such a sweet photo. And the ring looks so pretty!

  9. Love, love, love these rings!

  10. Love those kind of cuddles!

    Those rings are so cute! What country are they from?

  11. I'm shamelessly commenting with the express hope that you'll send me one of those rings. :) They're purty.

  12. She is adorable! :) I really love the rings!

  13. i don't wear jewelry so don't pick me to win--- but i just wanted to comment on how precious little girl is!!!

  14. Beautiful picture of you both :) Like the rings too!

  15. Count me in -- such a nice picture! I wish I could meet her!

  16. Oh! I love, love, love holding a sleeping wiggle worm!

    Those rings are gorgeous. I've got my fingers crossed. :)

  17. Sweet giveaway! Thanks.


    I'd love to get you connected with Mamas Write a new group for Christian Mom Bloggers in Texas! Check us out on the web at or email us at for details. Can't wait to meet you!

  18. Just found a link to your blog through Homegrown Mom. These rings are beautiful and I can't wait to look more through your blog. :)

