Thursday, May 12, 2011

More Room on the Night Table

When you don't have a lamp on your table, you can fit a lot more books
Or cups.  Or toys. 
Or nothing at all, if you can do that.

I've always loved Pottery Barn's wall sconces, but never could justify the price tag.  
So when I saw the Nester's link to Copy Cat Chic's affordable version-I ordered 2.  

pottery barn adjustable arc lamp - $139

lakeside collection adjustable wall lamp - $19.95

and now I have more room for my books.  


  1. I so glad I found this post. I feel the same about the PB price so I've been looking for alternatives for the Madison glass pendant( Now looking at the lakeside one with that great price might sway me to that one and keep it like that or find glass replacement for the shades. Thanks for sharing!

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