Thursday, September 8, 2011

Field Trip 1: Frisco Fire Town

I imagine most everyone is back to school by now.  We started when our public schools started-about 3 weeks ago.

One goal for our school year is to take more field trips.  Dallas has a lot to offer-and I want to take advantage of it.  I also have good friends who have good organizational skills and are making most of the trips possible.

Like our trips to Frisco's Safety Fire Town and Ikea.

Frisco's Fire Town is a miniturized town to teach K-5th graders free safety classes.  We took the Basic First Aid class on Monday, and the Bicycle Safety class on Friday.  Ikea, which is 4 miles away, was Kids Eat Free, so a perfect place for lunch.
our homeschool friends-thanks, Ms. Stacey!

The classes are a power point presentation made by one of the firefighters and are about 20 minutes long.  Then they go outside to the Safety Town and ride bikes to practice safe riding skills.  Bikes and helmets are provided and they had plenty of bikes with training wheels.  And good to know: in the heat we've had, they provided water.

After riding for about 30 minutes, the display fire truck was opened up to climb on and through.  As we left, each child was given a goodie bag of a sticker, puzzles, and a class certificate. The kids thoroughly loved visiting.

Then we moved on to Ikea to learn other life lessons. Like how bussing our own tables helps keep costs low.  It's really true.

Are you taking any trips around town?

1 comment:

  1. Who's that kid in the last picture?! I barely recognize him. No more baby B :(

    Safety town looks awesome.

    I'd recommend a few places, but I don't know if your Dallas followers will want to make the trip to ATL...
    I have found, though, the cheaper the better and the less stressed the momma.
