Monday, February 13, 2012

Field Trip #5: Dead Fish Friday

We've been enjoying our Dallas Children's Theater a lot this school year-we've seen 4 plays so far and will see another 2 in the spring.

We've also been doing Nature Study/Art Fridays with two other homeschooling families.   The art part has been a lot more consistent than the nature part.  I've just been lazy about getting the kids out and seeing nature.  you know, it's cold, we should stay in.  or, it rained two weeks ago.  it could still be muddy.  never mind we're in a stage 4 drought.  

But we made it happen the past two weeks!  And I brought my camera!

We've been loosely following The 10 Week Getting Started Outdoor Challenge.  Last time I asked each of the kids to collect a seed, a leaf, a dead bug or endoskeleton, and a rock.  This week, I told them to collect one kind of item, but several varieties-like seed pods, or leaves.  They collected dead fish and declared nature study awesome.

 Happy Trails.


  1. We so need to do that more often!
    I saw that Alice and Wonderland was coming, and was hoping to take the girls. Just don't know if Rie could sit thru it.
    Do you take 2 year olds?
    So nice to read your blog again, I have been hit and miss in reading and updating my blog :O)

  2. Looks like lots of fun. We need to get out more ourselves. My kids love to play in our back yard. My youngest lives for dirt. He would have loved that creek.

    Lil Momma
    Mom of 3 children who love nature games.
