Monday, June 15, 2009

{Creativity Blessed}

Psalm 90: 17 Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us;
And confirm for us the work of our hands;
Yes, confirm the work of our hands.

This is the New American Standard Version. Other translations say "bless" the work of our hands, or "establish" or "give permanence" to the work of our hands.

The things we do with our hands today, our work, our creations, however small and trivial, can be blessed in such a way that it's effects can outlive us.

This table cloth was cross-stitched decades ago by my great-grandmother. Though she no longer lives on this earth, I am still touched by the work of her hands.

I love how God has given us each different gifts to encourage others-even those of future generations!

How has God gifted you to impact or touch the lives of others? Have you recognized ways in which you've been blessed though the others' work confirmed by God?

Want to keep encouraging your creativity? Subscribe here.

And for more everyday gifts, stop by Chatting at the Sky for Tuesdays Unwrapped!


  1. A very wonderful post. My son has a blanket that my mom sewed on part of a pillow case that was embroidered by her grandmother. It has been his favorite blanket.

  2. That is so beautiful!! You are so blessed to have something from a loved one past.

  3. I have known for a long time that God placed it on my heart to affirm and inspire others in their creativity, especially other women, to tell them, that they are creative because so many say to me 'I'm not like you Ann, I'm not very creative or artistic'.This led to me running 'creative Christmas' seminars and opening up my home at Christmas time and sharing lots of simple ideas for expression of creativity.
    I love the passage in Exodus 35 which tells how Belazel was filled with the spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works.... This conveys to me that the ability to work with our hands and create comes from Him and that it is something He reveres alongside wisdom, knowledge and understanding... Wow!

  4. I have never thought of that verse quite like that before! How beautiful! And I would love to swap swimming lessons for an apron sewing session!! ^_^ How fun would that be!!

  5. Kristen, I forgot to tell you this..
    Now this is probably not a coincidence but before I read your post today, I had decided to create a hand made card for my husband's birthday this week on the theme of the work of his hands... all those creative, caring things he does for his family. It came to me in the night! My twins have created hand prints with paint and my daughter written out the numerous ways in which her dad blesses his children using his hands. I wanted a suitable scripture for the front of the card which related to the works of hands and there it was at the start of your post! Psalm 90 v 17. I'm going to write my next post on this as a tribute to a husband and a father and as an idea for blessing fathers. So a big thank you!

  6. Oh I love handmade gifts, crafts, food, time, memories, I struggle sometimes fussing over what is acceptable beauty and keeping up with trends, and am blessed when I see beauty through the eyes of others, especially my children, where I might not have otherwise. They have encouraged me to appreciate creation in all it's ugly/beauty even more, which is a gift too I suppose.

  7. This such a beautiful tablecloth and a wonderful memory of your grandmother! I have several hand made lace doilies that my great grandmother made that I display. They make me smile everytime I look at them! Such time, love and thoughtfullness went into each one of them. They make me step back and remember how important the little things are!

  8. Beautiful! I love using heirlooms and feeling that a loved one, maybe long gone, is still touching me today.

  9. Beautiful post!
    I think about the prayers for loved ones that are being honored by the Lord long after the passing of the pray-er- I have seen it so often and I now pray for future generations.

    Beautiful tablecloth! :)
    Bless you-

  10. What a treasure!!! I hold as one of my dearest possessions the tea towels my grandmother embroidered. They're not perfect, but they're beautiful...


  11. Thank you. The scripture and your words made something inside me click into place today.
