Sunday, June 14, 2009

{Summer School Art :: Winnas!!!}

(That's me hollering, "Winners" in my best *with-it-girl* voice)

Summer School Art at PAJAMA MAMA

THANK YOU to all who participated (and humored me) last week. I had fun and hope you did, too.

As I prepared for Summer School Art, I was thrilled to offer these little gifts to you in a giveaway. But my main mission was to reveal a few of the many ways in which we can express our creativity. We could continue this all summer and fall and winter, but I would need you to take over quickly!

Ephesians 4:7 "...he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ."

We have each been given different gifts and it is thrilling to see how God can use them!

Okay, without any further gabbing, let me give two friends a few gifts. The winners are:

Giveaway #1, Apron & Towel Set : Buildeth Her House, mom of seven and fellow blogger who is starting Feminine Friday, an extension of the Feelin' Feminine Challenge. I also noticed she has a Buildeth Her House button with aprons on it...hope she likes her prize!

Giveaway #2, Inspiration Book of Her Choice: Leaning on Him. Amanda also wins the perfect attendance award-make sure to check out all her posts on what she created last week...her home portrait is Beautiful, she tweaked the project and made it her own, and now I need to try a project like it soon!


  1. Aww--you gave me goosebumps and choked me up too (what a sap I am)! Thanks dear. I really had a fun time last week and I look forward to creating more crafts. I think I've finally caught your crafting bug! :)
    And, I think there's only one "non-sewing" book, right? Since I don't have a sewing machine? :o)

  2. Sorry, I posted on wrong post!
    YAYYY ME I WON!!!!! I'm so glad because I just LOVE, LOVE aprons. You are such a sweetheart for posting Feminine Friday. I hope to see you next Friday.
