Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Handmade Christmas:: For the Preschooler on my List

Chez Beeper Bebe had a perfect tutorial for plush alphabet set. She turned hers into magnets. Ours are just softies. But along with the best book ever written on teaching your child to read, my preschool gift is complete.

What Handmade Christmas projects are you working on for the kiddos on your list?

I'm linking this post to Kimba'sDIY Day & Kim's Get Your Craft On & Emily's A Homemade Christmas


  1. I'm working on a homemade memory game for the little one, as well as an apron to help out in the kitchen. I love the idea of soft alphabet letters!

  2. Oh my gosh, these are ADORABLE!
    I love that book too!
    What a great gift!

  3. I have so many ideas courtesy of my "Gooseberry Patch Christmas All thru the House" book ... but haven't narrowed down yet. One of my friends & I will be getting together three or four nights to make stuff. Love what you've done ... as always!

  4. I love them even without magnets...too bad I'd run out of steam around F or G.... ;)

  5. very cute. thanks for sharing the link to that book! it's exactly what i need!

  6. These are so cute! WOW, I don't know if I can fit in another project before Christmas, but I would love to try this sometime!

  7. They are just so cute. I absolutely love them. I wish I had known about that book years back.


  8. I've got to make the kids names out of these!
