Monday, April 19, 2010

My Hungry, Longing Soul and My Remedy

I still use my reminders set up around my house, like this verse taped to the shower door:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with 
thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Phil. 4:6
It's usually the part about not being anxious that resonates with me, but today it is the thanksgiving part.  

I'm clinging to the Psalm : "Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness." Psalm 107:8-9

Sometimes its so easy to be thankful, when BIG blessings appear.  
Yet oftentimes, I have to be more deliberate in my gratitude.  

I wonder if David intentionally wrote Psalm 107 in the order he did.  First he suggested (or pleaded) giving thanks for God's goodness, then he gave the promises:  He satisfies and fills the soul with goodness.  

Sometimes we have to act before we feel.  

How would my life be different, my days more steady, my heart more light, if I gave thanks first while my soul still felt hunger.  Then would the feeling of goodness follow?  Would it come quickly?  Would it be obvious?  

This may seem like an odd post after the obvious blessing of last week.  But I still need the reminder.  Honestly, I felt relief from our referral wait for about 24 hours.  After that, I have been consumed with anxiety for all that can go wrong with our case, delaying our baby's homecoming.  
But I cannot live the next few months paralyzed with fear.  And I believe gratitude can only help.  So today I am thankful for:
  1. The rain and sun and my growing plants
  2. Sorette's face, and the three pictures we have of her
  3. Baby's hugs, Boo's kisses and Belle's dancing
  4. Holding Mr. Smarty's hand in church
  5. A friend's reminder that we know Who controls the rain 
  6. My mom's good friends who bring food and distraction when I can't
  7. Friends quick to celebrate while waiting for their own reason to celebrate 
  8. Busy weeks to remind me to savor the evenings in
  9. New neighbors who share their bulbs
  10. Mid-morning coffee with cinnamon bread
Do you have to purposefully look for blessings? What are you thankful for?  I really do want to hear!


  1. I am thankful for friends to share this journey with (who speak the adoption language and truly understand).
    I am thankful for an amazing husband who asks me daily, "anything going on with the Yahoo boards?"
    I am thankful for the joyful anticipation of seeing MY baby's sweet face (some day soon).
    Thankful for the boundless depths of God's love and the glimpse He has given me so far.
    I am thankful that finally, I can dream and imagine motherhood and know that it is not just a possibility, but an inevitability...and it will be awesome!

  2. What a wonderful glad that I stopped by....I have not had enough blog time lately...So glad that I stopped by tonight..Be sure and stop by main blog
    and witness a miracle.

  3. Thank you for writing about this-because I too have been anxious and doing lots of praying..I need to make a point of being thankful!
    I am very thankful I get to be at home,for thrift store deals,sunny beautiful weather,free outdoor walks,my kids laughing in the car, hugs at bedtime,my hubby's kiss when he walks in the door, and Gods constant, 24/7, always there, never sleeps,watches out for me, love.

  4. That is an achingly lovely picture you have with this post - welcome, spring!

  5. this post is beautiful. I need to remember gratitude. i try but i forget and then i fall back on wanting, wanting, wanting. Thanks for reminding me to keep trying.
