Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Card Photo Out-takes

It seems as if my plans to get things done early so I wouldn't be stressed during the holiday season is just becoming a way for me get stressed earlier.  

Last week, I made the girls a jumper and skirt for our Christmas pictures.  I love the squirrel cordoroy print from Joann's and Simplicity pattern 9854-that I'm sure I will be using again. 

So on Saturday's agenda was our family photo shoot.  I always am tempted to show all our out-takes and attempts to get the one kind of acceptable picture we'll use.  If last years attempt was tough with 3 kids, this years photo-now with 4, should have been no surprise. 

Happy Holidays!


Monday, November 15, 2010

The Steam Mop that Swagbucks Bought...

The little one is almost crawling...well technically she is army crawling. And any day now it will be full-force.  And my floors are gross.

So thanks to my Swagbucks, that I've gradually traded in for $5 Amazon gift cards, I ordered the Eureka Enviro Steam Mop. 

So excited!

Do you swag?  so worth it...

On a disclaiming side note:
You may have noticed Pajama Mama no longer has sponsors.  This is my choice.  It is freeing to me to blog as I choose as often as I choose and not feel pressure to sell anything to anyone who cares to read about my life.  Swagbucks is not a sponsor, and gains little from me posing about them.  But You may benefit -like I benefit.  I earn a $5 Amazon gift card about every other week just from using their search engine.  This is nothing, I realize. But it is everything to a stay at home mom who needs very little to make her happy.  A new book, a movie, a steam mop, school supplies.  That is all I've gotten from Swagbucks.  If you're interested, try it out!-And to disclose fully, if you start swagging from my referral link, I also earn a few more bucks-just like you will when you tell your friends!
Nuff said.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Belle turned 7 last week.  Her wish was to move into her new room with Baby Girl.  The room is now filled with girliness.   I love it.  We finished moving their clothes in this afternoon.

So, there you have it-our girls' room!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Handmade Holidays Quick Sew:: Pacifier Clips

Is it too early for Handmade Holidays?  Here's one for the babies on my list...

Joanne's had a 50% off sale on notions last week.  I think I wiped the Plano store out of suspender clips.  I'm loving homemade pacifier clips...I'll give a few a way, but now BabyGirl no longer has to worry about her pacifier clip clashing with her outfit.  Whew-I know she'll sleep better now. 
