Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cardinal Quilt Block on White or Wood?

Mom: Stop reading. 

So my mom emailed me a picture of a cardinal pillow she found online and asked me if I had any red fabric that color.  I took that as a sweet hint that she might like something handmade for Christmas...

Since I'm on a little quilting kick of late, I decided to try paper piecing.  Now that the block is done, I'm thinking it might make a better table runner than pillow.  And I figured I would put it in an all white runner and maybe a brown binding.  But I love love love the wood fabric (from hawthorne threads).  It's pretty cool, no? Is it too much if I put the block in the wood fabric?  

What do you think?  White on white with wood binding?  or wood all around?  maybe red binding? 

Oh, heck, I'll probably just bring it all undone to her house and ask her what she wants...but I'd love to hear your opinions. 


  1. I really like the look of it on the wood, and I think it would be great as a pillow as well as a table runner. Oh decisions, aren't they tricky sometimes! :) Good luck. I can't wait to hear what you decide to do.

  2. That is amazing! I'm super impressed. I think I like the pillow idea better. I really want to try some paper piecing. Actually, my mom is crazy about cardinals and would love this exact thing. I think I would frame the block with the wood on the bottom and right sides, and white on the top and left. Then bind the whole thing up as a pillow with red binding.

    So I just remembered that you recently asked me about quilting bees and I never replied. Sorry about that! So here is the link to the only one I'm in:

    Hopefully you are on flickr already, if not you should be! It's super fun, plus it's necessary for most bees. If you read the gray box with info in the middle of the page, there is a link to the form you need to fill out to get a spot in the bee. They are always looking for quilters, which is more responsibility, but more fun too I think, because you get to come up with the designs sometimes. I'm really glad I signed up, and it's great because the quilts are all made for charity.

    Also, this is THE place to look for new bees and swaps opening up constantly:
    It's a discussion thread, so you have to go to the very last page to see the latest posts. Hope that helps you out some!

  3. Beautiful! I like it best on the wood look fabric. It gives it such a stately look. You are amazing. Jackie

  4. I like the white on white better. :) I ADORE the cardinal block!!!!!!!


    I love the look of it on wood. Very clean and gives it a real artistic feel!
