Saturday, January 21, 2012

Baby Girl's Hair

I think I may have made a New Years Resolution to do 
Baby's hair more intentionally and do more with it.
Enough being intimidated.  enough. right?

Here's this week's do:


Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

WIP: Magformers Quilt Top

I've blogged about them before, here and here, but these Magformers really are an every day toy.  We got them for Christmas last year, and I think they have been played with every day since.  In fact, over the weekend, we had a couple over for dinner, who said I 'actually didn't need to put those away' while I  was cleaning up after the kids to put them to bed.  They (real grown ups) didn't mind playing with them while I took the kids up to brush their teeth.

I even like playing with them. And creating quilt tops in my mind with them. Then on graph paper.

I planned to only use my stash, and I did.  But I really love solids and honestly don't mind having a stash of solids, so I made it smaller than my drawing as I was running low on purple and yellow.  and black, which I used all of.  and as soon as I used all my black, I felt the urge to run to the fabric store and get another 2 yards just to have on hand.  I'm not a very good stash buster.

What are you working on this week?

linking up to Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Stuff and stuff

First, Happy New Years (and did I wish you a Merry Christmas?) and Melkam Genna (today is Ethiopian Christmas)

It's been a while, and I admit I enjoyed the break from technology a bit...but here's what I've been up to:

Working on a 1600 Quilt Race with Belle, whose Christmas present was a sewing machine of her own.  (More on that next week?)

Reading The Hunger Games.  thus, delaying our official start of school.  although we're doing a little.  don't worry.

Watching the last season of Friday Night Lights with hubby on Netflix but we're being responsible.  not like this.

Learning about essential cousin is sending me a few oils to try.  I have a migraine today and wished the peppermint oil was already here.  Instead I rubbed Vicks all over my neck and temples, it helped for a moment, but you know for a migraine there's nothing like a dark room and a bed.  Do you have any uses for essential oils?  Our public library has zero books on the subject.  sad.

Praying for my mom.  She is recovering from hip surgery again yesterday.

Savoring my Christmas gifts.  I feel like I exchanged very few gifts this year (relatively, to past years) yet I received such sweet and thoughtful gifts-like a Norman Rockwell print from my parents' old house, a year's worth of Ann Voskamp's pages printed and bound to record everyday gifts, and a necklace I've worn everyday since it was given to me.

What are you all up to?