Man, I just casually mention I cut my bangs. Never intending to ever post my bangs. Ever. Then you people have to comment about seeing them. And I'm such a sucker for comments, that here I am posting a picture of me standing in my bathroom. Sucker.
Yeah, so the side swept bangs lasted for oh, maybe, 6 hours when I gave myself whiplash from keeping them out of my eyes. Really how do those Zach Efron teenager people live like that? No fashion slave am I.
So I parted my bangs and this here is the look that is sticking. Camera strategically positioned to cover my adult acne. Nice.
Now, not even an hour after I took this picture, I walked in on my 6 year old daughter cutting her 4 year old brother's hair "just like Daddy's." For those of you who don't know Daddy: Daddy shaves his head every Monday morning. Awesome look for my man. Not so awesome for my little boy.
I called Daddy and told him. He asked if I took pictures. I blog, don't I? So here's Boo before Belle got to far into her job:
Then I got the worst migraine I've ever had in my life. Like thowing-up-with-an-eye-mask-on-migraine. Double nice.
And did I mention the phone rang? Yup-heart was pounding, palms were sweating. We won a 4-day, 3-night cruise to a wonderful destination, absolutely free. As politely as I could, I asked the nice lady to take us off her list.
More New Years Cheer to follow. Just got to get out of this funk first.

11 Creative People Had This To Say:
That is hilarious about your kiddos cutting each others hair. I had the lovely privilege to be on the phone with my aunt when she discovered her daughter had cut off all her beautiful golden curls. All she could say was "your curls, your curls" in the saddest most desperate voice. Of course we laugh about it now, as you will soon. Praying for the funk to go away. I know alot of people that started the year off on a weird note.
Had a migraine today myself ... the type of which you speak. Finally seems to be gone ... after 14 hours. Still praying that phone call comes REALLY soon!!!
Thanks for the smile you put on my face. My sister's little girl shaved a line of hair off right smack in middle of her head. She had beautiful blond was soooo sad, but funny!!
Hope your migraine is a thing of the past!!!!
Kristen, you cracked me up! it is funny what kiddos do... I think you look beautiful by the way, and I must say I love your hair color!
Hope you're well.
Funny... and yet so very sad! I think I would CRY if my boys cut each others hair!! (Maybe this is why I don't cut their hair... so they don't ever try it themselves!?!?) My almost 3 yr old has had 2 hair cuts and my 1.5 yr old has never had a hair cut... and they both have somewhat long curly hair.
I often get people commenting on how they look like girls. And how they need hair cuts (maybe soon. But for now I think it's still stylish and cute - they get those comments too!) But to the naysayers I think I shall now tell them "We don't cut their hair because we don't want them to think it is ok to cut each others hair." :-p
Love that your daughter attempted being a master hair stylist w/ your son! :) CUTE! Love your bangs!
This is VERY funny!! :) I'm a hairdresser - so it's too bad that we don't live closer - I could have fixed you all right up!
Sorry about your migraine:( You both look beautiful. Praying that they will call soon!!!!
Hope you have fully recovered from your migraine, and that this week proves to be a better one hair and all. I remember those freak haircut days with the little ones. I have been in a bit of a funk too, and hope it will be on its way out of here. Have a blessed week. Jackie
Oh my gosh! They all have to try it at least once, don't they?
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