Each year Judy, our lovely State Farm Insurance Lady sends us a Norman Rockwell Calendar. It's nice and we do use it. So it never occurs to me to PAY for a calendar. But I came across these two calendars recently and decided they were worth the money to try them.
The Well Planned Day is a homeschool and household spiral planner published by Home Educating Family. Their website has a fullscreen preview, so you can see all the planning you can do with it! And because I ordered this one now in the middle of the school year, it was half price, $12.47.
I heard of The 2010 Day-to-Day Sewing Calendar from another blogger who has two of her patterns in the set. This is $7.49, which was just enough to get another order to $25 for the free shipping.
Neither of these companies are PajamaMama sponsors (yet...). I get nothing for promoting them, just thought you might be interested in my findings! I also thought I'd show you that I'm capable of having a thought not centered on our adoption this week. See, I went almost an entire post without mentioning the phone. See?
Do you spend money on calendars or planners?

4 Creative People Had This To Say:
Oooh...that sewing calendar looks delightful! My company buys my work planner every year. At the end of September/early October, I take one day and mark in all of the birthdays and anniversaries. :)
We normally get loads and loads of free calendars from friends, family, and church, but this year we received just one. I just may have to look into the sewing one! :)
I actually got my veru first sewing machine this Christmas. I hope to take classes soon to learn to use it. I made a calendar with a picture frame and perm marker on inside of glass. So i can use dry erase markers on the front side to plan my days.
I love your blog!!! Oh, and great calendars! **But because I am a blog designer...I cant help but notice your design - super cute**
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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