I think we have a date tomorrow night. Woot!
This is what I made for Mr. Smarty this week. I've always sung You are my Sunshine to our babies. I still sing it probably everyday. So I thought I should paint the words on canvas so I don't forget them.
Did you make something for your sunshine? Any date ideas?

12 Creative People Had This To Say:
Hi! Thanks for your visit on my blog. Yes, unfortunately, it did take 4 coats--BUT it was with a generic paint that didn't have a primer mixed in with it. I bet it might only take you two coats or less if you were painting on a wall without a dark color.
Thanks again for stopping by! Love your sunshine artwork!
Awwww. My husband and I sing it to each other. Good memories of that song. I will be thrilled beyond measure to sing it to my little ones in the future.
That is so nice Kristen, I love that canvas :D so sweet!
What a sweet gift!!!!!
Very sweet idea! Did you just handpaint the letters?
Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog today! :D
That is the best idea! So simple but means so much.
With a new baby no time to make anything but I was singing this earlier today to Tuvia my 7 week old son. I think I sing it every day too - one of those tunes you never forget!
Very thoughtful, sweet gift for your husband. I need to get my creative thoughts flowing...any minute now.
Thank you for stopping by my new blog!
what a really lovely idea. I brought some small canvas's and painted them a back ground colour and then put each child's handprint on one - looks really nice and is a nice memory also. thanks for sharing. Helen
i sing the same song to my 5 sunshines everyday~i love it and your canvas! what a great idea!
Cute idea. Where are you going to put the canvas Bedroom, living room...did you paint on the letters or vinyl? Fun
Wow! What an adorable idea! Sweet story behind it too which makes it even better!
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